Benefits of tomato
Benefits of tomato, Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer. They are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.

Tomatoes everyday ?
Eating tomatoes daily will ensure that you get an array of nutrients which will help in better functioning of your body. Always wash tomatoes properly before eating or cooking them. Always try to consume tomatoes with its skin. The skin of tomatoes are rich in phytochemicals which are important for our body.
Excess of tomatoes ??
Tomatoes are packed with an alkaloid called solanine. Consistent research shows that excessive consumption of tomatoes can result in swelling and pain in the joints as they are packed with an alkaloid called solanine. The Solanine is responsible for building up calcium in the tissues and it later leads to inflammation.
Large amounts of tomato leaf or green tomatoes are POSSIBLY UNSAFE. In large amounts, tomato leaves or green tomatoes can cause poisoning. Symptoms of poisoning may include severe mouth and throat irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, headache, mild spasms, and death in severe cases.

Are tomatoes good for Kidneys ?
Tomatoes are another high potassium fruit that may not fit the guidelines of a renal diet. They can be served raw or stewed and are often used to make sauces. Just 1 cup of tomato sauce can contain upwards of 900 mg of potassium (35). Unfortunately for those on a renal diet, tomatoes are commonly used in many dishes.
What good Raw or Cooked ?
Tomatoes eaten raw might not be so healthy, says a new study, because our digestive tract can only process a tiny amount of lycopene, an antioxidant found abundantly in tomatoes. Antioxidants are dietary substances found in beta carotene, vitamins C and E and selenium.
Tomatoes release a cancer-fighting antioxidant when cooked.
Tomatoes certainly have many health benefits when eaten raw. According to a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, tomatoes release more lycopene (a cancer-fighting antioxidant) when cooked.

They are good for your Skin
There are many reasons to toss a tomato in your diet, it adds to the content of collagen in the skin, thus preventing it from sagging. Also, tomatoes have higher antioxidants , this helps reduce fine lines on the skin. Also, eating tomato sauce and tomato juice can help clear up acne.
There’s no question that tomatoes can be a healthy addition to your diet, but if eating them results in an allergic reaction, so will applying them to your face. The sensitive skin on your face might also have a reaction to the fruit’s high natural acidity, resulting in: redness. rash.
Due to their astringent properties, tomatoes help reduce excess sebum on the skin’s surface preventing oil build up, which further reduces the chances of blackheads and whiteheads. Since they have pore-shrinking properties and help tighten the skin, chances of acne and pimples are also greatly reduced.
Weight loss ?
Tomatoes are also considered an appetite-suppressant “high-volume” food, which means they have high amounts of water, air and fiber. It should be evident, but you can’t just burn fat and shed weight by simply eating these six fruits alone. You will lose weight when you burn more calories than you consume.
Tomatoes are not good for few people
People with arthritis, especially rheumatoid arthritis, often think they should avoid tomatoes and other nightshade vegetables (eggplant, potatoes, and peppers, for example) because they can cause inflammation that leads to joint pain.
Do not consume Tomatoes on empty stomach
Though tomatoes are enriched with Vitamin C and nutrients but should definitely be avoided on an empty stomach. The tannic acid present in tomatoes increases acidity in the stomach and may lead to gastric problems.
Mid-summer is peak season for tomatoes. Find out how to buy, store, eat and benefit from this sweet and juicy food.
Bonus Fact : largest Producer of Tomatoes in the World
The biggest producer of tomatoes in 2020 was China by far with more than 56,423,811 tonnes production volume per year. India comes second with 18,399,000 tonnes yearly production. USA, Turkey and Egypt. Italy, Iran, Spain, Brazil and Mexico complete the top 10. Overall tomatoes are harvested in more than 170 countries.
Benefits of tomato
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