Facts about Horse
Facts about Horse, The horse is a domesticated one-toed hoofed mammal. It belongs to the taxonomic family Equidae and is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus. The horse has evolved over the past 45 to 55 million years from a small multi-toed creature, Eohippus, into the large, single-toed animal of today.
Horses are special creatures. They are majestic, strong and can display a broad range of emotions. Whether they’re around humans or other horses, they are amazingly communicative and thrive in social settings. These qualities are part of the reason why horses can develop such a strong bond with humans.

Fact #1 : Are horses color blind?
Horses are not color blind, they have two-color, or dichromatic vision. … In other words, horses naturally see the blue and green colors of the spectrum and the color variations based upon them, but cannot distinguish red.
Horses are animals that graze and they mostly eat hay and grasses. They also like peas and beans, fruit like apples, and we’re sure many of you have fed them carrots…they like these too.

Fact #2 : Can horses sense death?
While it is not known how animals interpret or understand death, many owners and veterinarians say there is some form of comprehension. When one of a pair of horses dies, the remaining horse might be severely affected or might show little response.
Horses may not love each other in the same capacity of a human loving another human. But a horse can certainly feel — and give — affection. It’s about trust. Like any relationship, don’t rush things.

Fact #3 : Can horses remember you?
Horses also understand words better than expected, according to the research, and possess “excellent memories,” allowing horses to not only recall their human friends after periods of separation, but also to remember complex, problem-solving strategies for ten years or more.
Horses are known to be loyal to their owners even if at times the owner can be harsh and hurtful to his horse. Sometimes even if the horse is overworked, this lovely animal still stays with his master. Horses are known to be loyal because in the wild they are essentially protective of the members of their herd.

Fact #4 : Expression of Trust
Horses are highly social creatures, and they communicate through body language and physical touch. A horse will rub their heads on you as a bonding moment or establish dominance and personal space. When your horse uses its head to push you, this is usually to establish dominance.
Train/call it by name or sound
While horses can be trained to recognize their name, without training most horses will respond to the sounds you make or the tone of your voice instead. … Next, I got the friends who knew my horses to call them, not by their names but by similar-sounding names (or words), this time all but one of the horses responded.

Fact #5 : Can horse sit ?
Horses don’t sit down; they sit up.
Horses can’t bend their rear legs and sit on the ground; it’s anatomically impossible. Their weight would cause them to crash into the ground and possibly injure themselves. By using treats and coaxing you to can teach your horse to sit down.
Facts about Horse
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