Benefits of Almonds
Benefits of Almonds, The almond is a species of tree native to Iran and surrounding countries but widely cultivated elsewhere. The almond is also the name of the edible and widely cultivated seed of this tree. 80% of the world’s almonds are grown in California and no other state in the US grows them commercially.

Benefits :
Almonds contain lots of healthy fats, fiber, protein, magnesium and vitamin E. The health benefits of almonds include lower blood sugar levels, reduced blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. They can also reduce hunger and promote weight loss.
People can eat almonds raw or toasted as a snack or add them to sweet or savory dishes. They are also available sliced, flaked, slivered, as flour, oil, butter, or almond milk.

What is the right time to eat almonds
To receive the maximum benefits from almonds, it is recommended to consume them in the morning. Consuming nuts along with your breakfast helps regulate blood sugar, keeps you satiated and boosts your metabolism.
What is good Raw or Soaked
The skin of almonds is difficult to digest, and therefore Ayurveda recommends soaking the almonds and peeling the skin to improve the digestibility of almonds. When you eat almonds without soaking and peeling off the skin, it will aggravate Pitta in the blood.

Almonds are good for skin
Almonds are rich in vitamin-E, which nourishes and softens the skin when applied daily. Applying almond oil or its milk also is beneficial as it protects the skin from damage caused by sun exposure as well.
Almonds Sharpen memory
“Almonds elevate the levels of ACh acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps enhance memory and help fight conditions like Alzheimer’s disease. You don’t need a lot of almonds to help improve memory; about eight to 10 almonds soaked in water overnight and consumed in the day works effectively.

Good for Hair
Almonds are full of essential Vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin e, Vitamin B1 and B6 that help in making your hair long and strong. The high amount of magnesium they contain promotes hair growth.
Comsuming huge amounts can kill
Though they have been proven as effective in curing spasms and pain, if you consume them in excess, it can lead to toxicity in your body. This is because they contain hydrocyanic acid, an over-consumption of which can lead to breathing problem, nervous breakdown, choking and even death!
Benefits of Almonds
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